Helping you and your employees work in a safe environment.
Securing the company's infrastructure.

Praetorian Management Night Shift Patrols

During the night shift patrols:

We check the sites and make sure the guards are alive and awake.

The premises are under no threat.

We show Security Surveillance on site.

We Inform the client via communication we are on site and all is in order.

Night Shift Officers and Patrols play a crucial role in maintaining the safety and security of  premises during night time hours.

We respond to security incidents as they arise. Our presence and vigilance help to ensure a secure environment for your clients, employees, and visitors.

Assist with investigations break ins and reports.

Problem solving. Active solutions.

Working with SAPS assisting them with details of the crime scene, statements from officers, receiving information from SAPS about the incident.

Helping the client get the IR number.

Management training employees and working with employees.

Starting up of new sites.

Report Writing: 

We maintain detailed and accurate incident reports, documenting all security-related activities.

Having trained Security Professionals on-site 24/7 can make all the difference. Their intuition, ability to assess situations and take immediate action sets them apart.

One of the primary roles of Physical Security Guards is to act as a deterrent to potential criminals. It is essential for Night Duty Guards to be visible at all times. Instead of staying stationary, they patrol the premises at regular intervals to mark their presence.

Security Guards stay vigilant and regularly check for signs of unauthorized entry, potential hazards, or disturbances.

What are the differences between the Night Shift and Daytime Monitoring?

While the core objective remains the same – ensuring safety – the approach differs. Daytime Security might deal with more people-related issues, such as access control, crowd management and assisting visitors. Night Security is more about proactive surveillance, detecting potential threats, and preventing break-ins or thefts.